Inner Guidence

Nature Practices for Self-Discovery- An Upcoming Nature Retreat

Nature Practices for Self-Discovery Retreat Tools to help you access a greater sense of ease and reconnect with your life’s journey Have you lost yourself in the shuffle and chaos of modern life?  Need some time for yourself to decompress and sort out your priorities and direction? Please join us in this half-day retreat on [...]

Nature Practices for Self-Discovery- An Upcoming Nature Retreat2024-04-30T17:05:52-06:00

Blowing the Clouds Away

I was climbing a small mountain the other day, I felt unsettled, and the world felt unsettled. When I feel this I wonder, ‘Is it me?’, or am I picking up ‘stuff’ from out there?  Do you ever wonder this?  Sometimes I don’t feel good about life, even without good reason, and I can’t blame [...]

Blowing the Clouds Away2020-09-03T14:41:50-06:00

Seize the Day- Carpe Diem

'Carpe Diem', seize the day.  How often have you heard this saying?  Living by this, you are inadvertently aligning with what is most important to you, making the most of the present time.  Is it being with your family and friends?  Maybe travel or building something, or perhaps time in the natural world exploring or doing [...]

Seize the Day- Carpe Diem2020-06-22T16:20:57-06:00

Tips for Increasing Ease and Fulfillment (even now in these unique times!)

Self-care is especially critical in this time.  How, might you ask, can you care for your well-being when you are isolated at home, can't do the things you normally do, or are worried about how you will pay bills or what the future might bring? Here are ideas that take little time and can help [...]

Tips for Increasing Ease and Fulfillment (even now in these unique times!)2020-04-07T09:36:24-06:00

Staying safe, sane and stress-free

Practicing extreme self-care Life as we know it is significantly altered due to the COVID-19 outbreak, this is the time to practice extreme self-care.  While you might be home-bound, or out in public, you can do all kinds of things to keep your stress levels down and your mind engaged.  First and foremost, practice washing [...]

Staying safe, sane and stress-free2020-04-07T09:38:48-06:00

Getting unstuck

Ever notice how sometimes you just feel stuck?  Not sure how to move things forward, swimming in circles and not getting very far?  We go through life expecting that we can flawlessly move forward.  But when we run into a wall, or don't have what we need to continue, or there is conflict in the [...]

Getting unstuck2019-11-19T10:40:29-07:00

Turning into Autumn

We are already seeing signs of the Autumn here in our canyon. The days are shortening, and the light quality has changed.  The air has become crisper, cooler, and smells have also slightly shifted from that of mid-summer.  And, of course the most obvious is the turning of the leaves.  The maples, cottonwoods, currants, grasses [...]

Turning into Autumn2019-11-17T12:10:30-07:00

The path you make through life

“Life is complex. Each one of us must make his own path through life. There are no self-help manuals, no formulas, no easy answers. The right road for one is the wrong road for another…The journey of life is not paved in blacktop; it is not brightly lit, and it has no road signs. It [...]

The path you make through life2019-11-17T12:19:20-07:00

Connecting to nature

"Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home; that wilderness is a necessity; and that mountain parks and reservations are useful not only as fountains of timber and irrigating rivers, but as fountains of life." John.Muir How do you connect to yourself, to others, [...]

Connecting to nature2019-11-17T12:31:46-07:00
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