Inner Guidence

Touch the Earth

Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.  Khalil Gibran When was the last time you walked barefoot on the earth?  Or felt the wind whip around you and play with your hair? When have you felt thrilled by just feeling the power [...]

Touch the Earth2015-10-22T16:44:23-06:00


'Observe the wonders as they occur around you. Don’t claim them. Feel the artistry moving through and be silent.' Rumi Sometimes we spend so much time thinking, that we forget to just observe. Observing requires that you notice, but not analyze, all that is going on around and within you. Most of us find that [...]


We make our own path through life

“Life is complex. Each one of us must make his own path through life. There are no self-help manuals, no formulas, no easy answers. The right road for one is the wrong road for another…The journey of life is not paved in blacktop; it is not brightly lit, and it has no road signs. It [...]

We make our own path through life2015-09-02T17:03:59-06:00

Don’t believe everything you think

I think of the first time I climbed a 14'er (a mountain over 14,000').  From the base of the mountain, the task looked impossible.  I can believe at that moment that it is impossible to do, and justify this with all kinds of evidence from past experiences and beliefs.  Then, I don't even bother to [...]

Don’t believe everything you think2015-08-28T11:52:22-06:00

To wander, or not to wander

That is the question.  To wander or not, the not being to stay in line with a dictated path.  To wander is to let your body and mind move to where ever the current inspiration takes you. It's not a bad thing to stay on trail, stay the course, follow the linear path.  Sometimes it's [...]

To wander, or not to wander2015-08-20T09:02:27-06:00

The path I follow… an old path. I don't know where it ends, but I know where it begins. Do I continue to follow an old worn path, or do I need to be on that fresh, new one? Or, do I step off the path and forge my own way? It is for me to determine. [...]

The path I follow…2015-08-14T14:35:19-06:00

Blowing the clouds away

I was climbing a small mountain the other day. I felt unsettled, the world felt unsettled. When I feel this, I wonder is it me or am I picking up something from out there? Do you ever wonder this? Sometimes, without good reason, I don't feel good about life, and I can't blame x, y [...]

Blowing the clouds away2015-08-08T04:56:18-06:00
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