What is Nature-Connected Coaching?
Nature-Connected Coaching is life coaching outdoors, blending the skills and techniques of professional life coaching with the unique skills of transformational wilderness work. Working in nature, we collaborate with the natural world to inspire self-discovery and support authentic, meaningful change. Through nature-connected coaching, you enhance your well-being and connection not only to yourself but also the natural world.
Professional Nature-Connected coaching training further enhanced my skills and facilitation in assisting clients in self-awareness and connection to their authentic self. With Dancing Mountain Storm, you will be guided on this journey of self-discovery in some of the most beautiful locations in our region!
“The mountains are calling and I must go.” John Muir
“I adore your insight & sincerely appreciate the way you communicate your thoughts in such a positive way… I love the way you helped me get to know who I am now. Your support brings me comfort and reminds me that I am not all alone. I so appreciate your thoughtfulness & intuitiveness, education and training.” Belinda M.
“Her enthusiasm, support and sincere interest in my progress … have been invaluable to me…much of my success is due to the fabulous training, encouragement and support that I have received from Joelle.” Pam
“Joelle’s coaching has helped me to keep working on how I can balance all facets of my life. I greatly appreciate the relationship Joelle and I have built and I am very impressed with her ability to take a creative approach to life’s challenges.” Aimee