
Nature Therapy and Green Exercise

Since the beginning of time, nature has been used for its restorative value.  Taoist created gardens to improve human health, a 17th century guide advises readers to ‘spare time in the garden…there is no better way to preserve your health’, and there were the ancient gardens of Mesopotamia.  Of course, there is John Muir’s observation,‘Thousands [...]

Nature Therapy and Green Exercise2021-08-03T16:25:51-06:00

Why Nature?

Nature Heals Since the beginning of time, nature has provided much to humans, not just for survival, but also in restorative value.  Contemporary studies show that nature has many positive impacts on humans.   One study showed patients in a hospital healed faster on the side which overlooked a natural space.  Findings are so convincing [...]

Why Nature?2020-08-13T17:27:41-06:00
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