Nature Practices for Self-Discovery Retreat

Tools to help you access a greater sense of ease and reconnect with your life’s journey

Have you lost yourself in the shuffle and chaos of modern life?  Need some time for yourself to decompress and sort out your priorities and direction?

Please join us in this half-day retreat on the land, an opportunity for you to slow down and unplug so you can reconnect to what’s most important to you.  If you are looking for a richer, more fulfilling way to tap into deep relaxation and access greater clarity in your life, this is your retreat!

Sunrise Spring looking east from deck

During this time together, you will be guided through nature-based experiences and practices that support you to connect to your inner wisdom and reset your nervous system. There will be both community time and solo time for you to explore your outer and inner landscapes in a beautiful mountain setting.

Find what makes you come alive!  You will return with an infusion of energy and vitality, along with tools to better align to your Soul-guided life.


What you will get from this retreat-
  • Time in nature to slow down, de-stress and reconnect with what is meaningful to you
  • Guided practices to access nature’s deep healing benefits,
  • Support of two certified nature-based coaches to guide you on your journey, and help you take your learning into your daily life
  • Solo as well as community time to deepen your experience
  • Guided, nature-based experiences offering pause from modern-day life to expand awareness, reconnect, reactivate, and tune into your natural rhythm and flows

Retreat takes place at a mountain private property, less than 45 minutes from Golden, Boulder and the Denver metro areas.  There is no level of fitness required for this retreat, just the ability to walk short distance on uneven terrain.  Hiking further is optional. No outdoor experience necessary.

Nature Practices for Self-Discovery Retreat

Tools to help you access a greater sense of ease and reconnect with your life’s journey

When: Saturday, June 15, 10am-2:30pm

Cost: $199 before June 1st, $249 after

Location: Front Range Foothills, 45 min. from Denver

Retreat is in collaboration with Sheri Peterson of Your PATH Coach

What are you waiting for? Get into nature (and into yourself!)

Contact me for more information,, or if ready to RSVP go to