
Nature Practices for Self-Discovery- An Upcoming Nature Retreat

Nature Practices for Self-Discovery Retreat Tools to help you access a greater sense of ease and reconnect with your life’s journey Have you lost yourself in the shuffle and chaos of modern life?  Need some time for yourself to decompress and sort out your priorities and direction? Please join us in this half-day retreat on [...]

Nature Practices for Self-Discovery- An Upcoming Nature Retreat2024-04-30T17:05:52-06:00

Giving Thanks & End of Year Blessings

Giving Thanks & End of the Year Blessings We know how extraordinary has been this year Viruses, wildfires, global protests fuel the fears We seem more divided, leaders out of line This certainly won’t be the same ol’ rhyme! Not so easy through these times we go Time passes so fast, don’t you know? Challenges [...]

Giving Thanks & End of Year Blessings2023-11-21T16:13:44-07:00

Mindfulness and Movement- Nature Connection Outings

Morning New Moon Wander New Moon is a sacred time to reflect. cultivate healing, and create new beginnings. For this New Moon, we will get out earlier on the land to enjoy the lovely summer morning.  Not really a hike, but a wander to allow reflection and release, while we contemplate what is next for [...]

Mindfulness and Movement- Nature Connection Outings2020-07-16T12:37:47-06:00

Trust in the woods, trust in the unknown

Have you ever wondered through the woods, thinking you knew where you were, and come to find you really didn’t?  Maybe you didn’t know which direction you faced, or which way to go to get back?  Lost, or so it seemed.   What was that experience like?  And how did you end up resolving it? Trust [...]

Trust in the woods, trust in the unknown2020-07-06T13:10:41-06:00

Tips for Increasing Ease and Fulfillment (even now in these unique times!)

Self-care is especially critical in this time.  How, might you ask, can you care for your well-being when you are isolated at home, can't do the things you normally do, or are worried about how you will pay bills or what the future might bring? Here are ideas that take little time and can help [...]

Tips for Increasing Ease and Fulfillment (even now in these unique times!)2020-04-07T09:36:24-06:00

Celebrate Spring!

Do you notice the shift in your body as the days begin to lengthen and warm?  We are part of nature, so if you pay attention you might notice that your body and spirit reflects the cycles of the season. To do this, notice your energy levels, notice how your senses are waking up, perhaps [...]

Celebrate Spring!2020-03-13T12:20:09-06:00

Go on a Passion Quest

Do you know what enlivens you?  What do you love doing?  I found this reminder well suited for what I needed to remember now.  Sometimes we forget, we get wrapped in those everyday expectations, commitments and habits.  Sometimes we lose touch with what is important to us tied up in all of life's stuff.  But, [...]

Go on a Passion Quest2019-11-17T12:14:47-07:00

Connecting to nature

"Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home; that wilderness is a necessity; and that mountain parks and reservations are useful not only as fountains of timber and irrigating rivers, but as fountains of life." John.Muir How do you connect to yourself, to others, [...]

Connecting to nature2019-11-17T12:31:46-07:00

Mindful Morning along the Front Range

Mindfulness & nature connection to quiet the mind & relax the body Do you want to learn how to relax and connect with nature and your highest good?  Ready to give yourself some R & R in a beautiful local outdoor location?  Enjoy a beautiful and relaxing morning while deepening your connection to what's important [...]

Mindful Morning along the Front Range2019-11-17T12:33:10-07:00

Earth Day

It’s that time again to dig our hands in the dirt and thank Mother Earth for all that she has provided.  This is the day we put aside to recognize that we need to care for our earth if we are to reap the benefits of clean air, fresh water, healthy environments, and a nurturing [...]

Earth Day2017-04-21T11:27:00-06:00
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