
Nature Practices for Self-Discovery- An Upcoming Nature Retreat

Nature Practices for Self-Discovery Retreat Tools to help you access a greater sense of ease and reconnect with your life’s journey Have you lost yourself in the shuffle and chaos of modern life?  Need some time for yourself to decompress and sort out your priorities and direction? Please join us in this half-day retreat on [...]

Nature Practices for Self-Discovery- An Upcoming Nature Retreat2024-04-30T17:05:52-06:00

Blowing the Clouds Away

I was climbing a small mountain the other day, I felt unsettled, and the world felt unsettled. When I feel this I wonder, ‘Is it me?’, or am I picking up ‘stuff’ from out there?  Do you ever wonder this?  Sometimes I don’t feel good about life, even without good reason, and I can’t blame [...]

Blowing the Clouds Away2020-09-03T14:41:50-06:00

Autobiography in Five Short Chapters

Chapter I I walk down the street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I fall in. I am lost... I am hopeless. It isn't my fault. It takes forever to find a way out. Chapter II I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I pretend I [...]

Autobiography in Five Short Chapters2020-06-02T13:45:39-06:00

Moving Forward- Path or Wander

My tendency in nature is to wander.  Paths are good for getting from one point to another, but wandering allows for exploration outside of a linear, defined line.  As we go through life, we sometimes need to follow a path, maybe a highway, to get where we want to get to.  Do I continue to [...]

Moving Forward- Path or Wander2020-05-05T14:23:10-06:00

Full Pink Moon in April

While I would normally be guiding a full moon hike this Tuesday, instead I would like to share with you some great information about the significance of the full moon.  The start of the lunar cycle is new (no) moon, where we can not see the light being cast upon it by our sun.  As [...]

Full Pink Moon in April2020-04-07T09:32:55-06:00

Tips for Increasing Ease and Fulfillment (even now in these unique times!)

Self-care is especially critical in this time.  How, might you ask, can you care for your well-being when you are isolated at home, can't do the things you normally do, or are worried about how you will pay bills or what the future might bring? Here are ideas that take little time and can help [...]

Tips for Increasing Ease and Fulfillment (even now in these unique times!)2020-04-07T09:36:24-06:00

Mindfulness for Stress Relief- Benefits of MBSR

The Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society studied over 10,000 participants over eight weeks of MBSR and here's just SOME of what they found . . . Less stress, better mood, and better sleep DNA repair and immune system support A 50 percent decrease in anxiety Improved decision-making Changes to the grey [...]

Mindfulness for Stress Relief- Benefits of MBSR2019-11-14T09:41:48-07:00

Turning into Autumn

We are already seeing signs of the Autumn here in our canyon. The days are shortening, and the light quality has changed.  The air has become crisper, cooler, and smells have also slightly shifted from that of mid-summer.  And, of course the most obvious is the turning of the leaves.  The maples, cottonwoods, currants, grasses [...]

Turning into Autumn2019-11-17T12:10:30-07:00

Go on a Passion Quest

Do you know what enlivens you?  What do you love doing?  I found this reminder well suited for what I needed to remember now.  Sometimes we forget, we get wrapped in those everyday expectations, commitments and habits.  Sometimes we lose touch with what is important to us tied up in all of life's stuff.  But, [...]

Go on a Passion Quest2019-11-17T12:14:47-07:00
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