
Nature Practices for Self-Discovery- An Upcoming Nature Retreat

Nature Practices for Self-Discovery Retreat Tools to help you access a greater sense of ease and reconnect with your life’s journey Have you lost yourself in the shuffle and chaos of modern life?  Need some time for yourself to decompress and sort out your priorities and direction? Please join us in this half-day retreat on [...]

Nature Practices for Self-Discovery- An Upcoming Nature Retreat2024-04-30T17:05:52-06:00

Giving Thanks & End of Year Blessings

Giving Thanks & End of the Year Blessings We know how extraordinary has been this year Viruses, wildfires, global protests fuel the fears We seem more divided, leaders out of line This certainly won’t be the same ol’ rhyme! Not so easy through these times we go Time passes so fast, don’t you know? Challenges [...]

Giving Thanks & End of Year Blessings2023-11-21T16:13:44-07:00

Mindful Mornings Sign up

July Mindful Morning Saturday July 15, 9:15 - 11am Coal Creek Canyon, CO Do you need to slow down and have some 'me' time? Would you like to experience less stress and more decompression while in nature? Interested in a good stretch and connection to what's meaningful to you?? Enjoy a beautiful and relaxing morning [...]

Mindful Mornings Sign up2023-07-07T15:26:51-06:00

Nature Therapy and Green Exercise

Since the beginning of time, nature has been used for its restorative value.  Taoist created gardens to improve human health, a 17th century guide advises readers to ‘spare time in the garden…there is no better way to preserve your health’, and there were the ancient gardens of Mesopotamia.  Of course, there is John Muir’s observation,‘Thousands [...]

Nature Therapy and Green Exercise2021-08-03T16:25:51-06:00

Why Nature?

Nature Heals Since the beginning of time, nature has provided much to humans, not just for survival, but also in restorative value.  Contemporary studies show that nature has many positive impacts on humans.   One study showed patients in a hospital healed faster on the side which overlooked a natural space.  Findings are so convincing [...]

Why Nature?2020-08-13T17:27:41-06:00

Mindfulness and Movement- Nature Connection Outings

Morning New Moon Wander New Moon is a sacred time to reflect. cultivate healing, and create new beginnings. For this New Moon, we will get out earlier on the land to enjoy the lovely summer morning.  Not really a hike, but a wander to allow reflection and release, while we contemplate what is next for [...]

Mindfulness and Movement- Nature Connection Outings2020-07-16T12:37:47-06:00

Trust in the woods, trust in the unknown

Have you ever wondered through the woods, thinking you knew where you were, and come to find you really didn’t?  Maybe you didn’t know which direction you faced, or which way to go to get back?  Lost, or so it seemed.   What was that experience like?  And how did you end up resolving it? Trust [...]

Trust in the woods, trust in the unknown2020-07-06T13:10:41-06:00

Moving Forward- Path or Wander

My tendency in nature is to wander.  Paths are good for getting from one point to another, but wandering allows for exploration outside of a linear, defined line.  As we go through life, we sometimes need to follow a path, maybe a highway, to get where we want to get to.  Do I continue to [...]

Moving Forward- Path or Wander2020-05-05T14:23:10-06:00

Celebrate Spring!

Do you notice the shift in your body as the days begin to lengthen and warm?  We are part of nature, so if you pay attention you might notice that your body and spirit reflects the cycles of the season. To do this, notice your energy levels, notice how your senses are waking up, perhaps [...]

Celebrate Spring!2020-03-13T12:20:09-06:00

To Wander, or not to Wander…

…that is the question.  Do I stay on the defined path, focused in on where this path takes me, or do I go off trail, open to exploring the unknown, no real destination in mind, to find something surprising and new? It’s not a bad thing to stay on a direct path.  Sometimes it’s better [...]

To Wander, or not to Wander…2020-03-05T20:16:02-07:00
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